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Laminated Glass recycling machine glass crusher for glass bottles time:2018-03-14 17:16:36 author:raytong

Raytong Glass crushers are machines designed with the aim of pulverizing glass to aid in the recycling process. Waste glass comes from various sources, in the form of glass sheets, containers, jars and bottles. They can be recycled with the help of a glass crusher to avoid generating new glass, which in turn saves energy.

Glass crushers come in a range of sizes and can be used independently by bar, hotel and restaurant owners alike, or as a part of an integrated glass recycling system, comprising of crushers and material separation machines. Glass crushers have a mechanical safety system in place which avoids crushing of objects that are not glass. Brown or transparent crushed glass is used to make more glass, while other forms of crushed glass are used to form asphalt paving and blocks, or mixed into secondary concrete products.

There is approximately 12 million tons of glass generated as municipal waste every year, out of which roughly 3 million tons is recycled, leaving close to 9 million tons in landfills. The use of a glass crusher machine is a crucial part of the process for recycling this waste.

How A Glass Crusher Works

After being separated from other waste materials, various forms of glass are placed on a conveyor belt, which transports them to a platform where the glass is sorted manually by color.

Sorted shards are passed through a glass crusher with the help of a chute, where they are pulverized by an electric motor and various screens that break them into several dimensions of shards known as cullet.

Post pulverization, the shattered glass is safer to handle for further manageable recycling and exits the pulverizer through a discharge chute. To avail superior value crushed glass cullet installation, separate crushers may be used for different colored glass.

Further cleaning comprises of separating other material from the crushed glass, such as metals, plastic, paper and corks, by using a machine that makes the separation easy.

A Trommel screen plays an essential part in the pulverization process as it allows different-sized cullet to be discharged.




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